Things I Watched: Fugue - A Polish Psychodrama About Being Unable to Let Go

Fugue is a psychodrama meaning it’s not the type of film I often choose to watch. I gave it a go because I don’t feel I watch enough new movies. MUBI is running a ‘New Auteurs’ season and this one is Polish, released last year and made by female director, Agnieszka Smoczynska.

The film begins in disequilibrium with the sight of a disheveled woman stumbling into a subway station. It turns out she has been involved in an incident. Two years later she appears on a national television program designed to locate the families of missing persons. Her father calls the show and she rejoins her family, although she doesn’t remember them and now thinks her name is Alicja.

MUBI’s description suggests Fugue explores the ‘traditional role of women in society’. I felt had more to dowith overcoming past trauma. Alicja’s lack of memory highlights her desire to start again, but her obligations and family - including infant son - represent an inability for her to do so. It sucks the life out of her until everyone around her accepts that there's no turning back.



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