Things I Played: Chrono Trigger – A riproaring ride through time and space

You’ll have to excuse the lateness of this post. I actually finished Chrono Trigger something like two months ago but I’ve been impressively busy of late. You might have noticed my last post was in January, which is probably the last point I had any free time in truth.

For those that don't already know, Chrono Trigger is an RPG first released for the SNES. This is a system I neither had nor wanted as I was very content with my Megadrive at the time. This turned out to be great fortune really because the damn game never released in Europe. It wasn’t until 2009 that it finally saw the light of day here, this time on the Nintendo DS.

The story begins in a world not dissimilar to Earth where a character named Chrono (yes he of title game) is enjoying the festivities of the Millennial Fair. Things soon go awry when a  demonstration of a teleportation machine sends another of the game's characters 400 years into the past. To save the day, our feisty blue-haired hero emerges, setting events in motion for a time-travelling bonanza across several epochs to save the world from an extra-terrestrial parasitic lifeform known affectionately as Lavos.

All joking aside, Chrono Trigger is a neat adventure. For me it's like the videogame equivalent of a Saturday morning cartoon. Its light, breezy and uses all of its charming cast of characters to good effect. It also boasts a very impressive soundtrack - I’m currently listening to this rather lovely orchestral composition of its main score and I think you should too.



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