Things I Listened To: ...Burn, Piano Island, Burn - The Blood Brothers

I'll start by saying that ...Burn, Piano Island, Burn would make for the strangest television show. I'm thinking it'd set on a remote tropical island, very distant from modern society and possibly orientated around a tribal or maybe pagan culture, a bit like The Wicker Man. Here's my pitch.

In the not too distant future, a plane carrying hundreds of sexy passengers crashes into picturesque mountainside. Dozens die but many survive. They're immediately greeted by the local denizens who come to their rescue not with smiles and bandages but with pointy sticks and terror. You see, these nomads think these survivors are demons sent from another world. The survivors do their best to run - a few can't because they have broken legs - and eventually set up camp somewhere on the other side of the island. The rest of the first season is dedicated to them learning how to fend for themselves without iPhones or Amazon Prime and also trying not to die by hands the ancient civilisation they've stumbled across. Eventually they do make friends and at least one of them falls in love only to have his/her head chopped off. That happens in the final episode.

If you're confused, don't be. That passage sufficiently sums up my experience of listening to Burn, Piano Island, Burn. It's a lot like one those Dali images of clocks melting. You think you get it but you actually don't. It creates images in the mind. It gets the imagination flowing. It's surreal and doesn't make a whole heap of sense.

The lead track, Burn, Piano Island, Burn.

I Know Where The Canaries and the Crows Go.



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