Things I Read: After Dark - Wandering Around At 3am

My Haruki Murakami marathon continued this week with the completion of his 2004 novel After Dark. Unfortunately I read it in two instalments over the course of several months so I don't feel comfortable writing a full-fledged post about it but summed up quickly... yeah it's alright.

It feels much like a minor novel in Murakami's canon (not literally a canon of course). I really love the atmosphere which perfectly encapsulates that sense of dread and awe you get when wandering around outside at 3am. Surprisingly it ends satisfyingly which, if you've been read any of my takes on Murakami before, is something I find to be a minor miracle.

I'm disappointed by the lack of secret passageways or scenes where the protagonist completes a marathon. However, a combination of unexpected phone calls, cats, old jazz record, urban ennui and supernatural powers kinda makes up for it.

More importantly, it means we have a clear winner in Murakami Bingo!

Next up I'll be tackling A Wild Sheep Chase and will endeavor to write a proper post about it.



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