Things I Won: The Best Overall Performance Award

Today I woke up to the good news that I've won an award. Congrats! To me!

I now have the dubious honour of being presented with the 'Best Overall Performance' achievement, presumably awarded for contributions that I made in lectures and generally to my department during my degree course this past year. I'm guessing because they haven't explained what it means.

But I'm excited! It's the first thing I've won since being crowned Toe Punt King Penalty Champion at a primary school event in 1997. It also means I'll receive a cheque for £100, which is the most important thing obviously. And no, I haven't decided what to spend it on. Coffee perhaps.

There's just one snag: I told them I wasn't going to be at the graduation ceremony where they intend to present it to me. I'll have to organise something with them because unfortunately the university doesn't open again until the new year.

おめでとう (O-me-de-to-u)



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