Things I Played: Final Fantasy VII is Fun and Fun is Good

Unfortunately I don’t have much to report this week. Usually I’d try and churn out a review of a book/movie/game but I’ve been nursing a cold which has affected my ability to do anything other than sit quietly hoping it’ll eventually go away. The only thing I've been doing is playing Final Fantasy VII which came out on the Switch at the tail-end of last month. I've happily been playing the game as a virtual antidote to my physical ailments.

It's an old game so it's obviously come out on a few platforms before. This version is a port of the iOS game, which differs from the original only PSOne game because it has nicer graphics and features ‘cheats’ such as the ability to speed up time and avoid random encounters. I seldom use these but they’re fan-fucking-tastic if you forget to save, die and don’t want to relive an hour of the same bits all over again. Yeah that happened.

All in all, it’s very fun. IThe Switch is a perfect console for JRPGs because I can play it on the TV or in bed dependent on my mood. It suits the turn-based gameplay massively, alongside the fact it makes for an excellent game to play whilst listening to HARDtalk. The only issue I've had so far are the controls in-battle owing to the Switch’s extremely sensitive thumbsticks. No, I didn't mean to change the battle formation for fuck’s sake!



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