Things I Listened to: Risk of Rain's Soundtrack

Risk of Rain is an interesting game. I've never played it but that opening line rhymes so I had to start that way. It practically demanded it, don't you think?

Risk of Rain is also interesting because of the number of permutations when thinking about the title. I have an online buddy who plays the game a lot. To him I call it Risky Rain. Rain of Risk. I once called it Rained Risk. Or maybe it was Rainy Risk. Risque Rain is a new one I've just thought of. Risk of Pain works too, and makes a lot of sense given that the game is about surviving on a desolate planet.

There's just so many variations! It's exciting! But it won't matter a jot to anybody who isn't me so feel free to take pleasure instead in Chris Christodoulou's atmospheric soundtrack. It's very good music to leave on in the background while you work on something important.



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