Things I Watched: Nintendo's Super Mario Maker 2 Direct - It Looks Great

I was a late adopter of the Wii U so I never caught the original Mario Maker craze. At the time it seemed a little beyond my interest. I didn’t have a strong care for design; I also didn’t really like platformers. Like the direction of a passing breeze though, such things change, which is why I’m fully on the hype train for Super Mario Maker 2.

If you’re at all interested then I’d consider sitting through the video above. I really like Nintendo’s direct-to-customer approach in the way they handle these things. I feel it helps their marketing brand tremendously. Sony recently adopted a similar style but they’re clearly still ironing out the kinks - they only offer choice moments whereas Nintendo load up their offerings like a giant slab of gaming pie.

The game comes out at the end of next month, June 28th to be precise.



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