E3 Reaction: 12 Minutes Looks Dope

E3 started on Sunday so I've been gleefully glued to my laptop these past two nights partaking in viewership of what is the most extravagant sales pitch in videogame history. Unfortunately not much has grabbed my eye so far. Bethesda continue to disappoint in all ways possible. The big exception is 12 Minutes - an intriguing thriller about time loops.

Not much is known about the game so far except that it's being designed by Luis Antonio, the art director behind The Witness, a game I've been meaning play for the past three years now...

Naturally though the art direction is amazing. I love the top-down style and I hope it stays true to its name by giving us twelve minutes to figure out whatever the fuck is happening. The Shining reference could go either way, pointless or purposeful. I particularly love the idea of playing as some regular old dude caught up in circumstances that go well beyond his control. Violence, mystery and a tiny flat. It's just like my life.

And was that Agent 47? Waddafuck?!



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