Things I Watched: Blue - Two Lonely Teenage Girls Living by the Sea

One of of the things I love about YouTube is finding random movies long forgotten by their original distributors. This is the fate of a little-known Japanese movie I came across this evening called Blue. I'd never heard of it before but it's lovely and heartwarming.

The titular colour describes the melancholic aura that surrounds the film's main character, the bob sporting and little-bit masculine, Kirishima. She’s sad not only because she lives in a sleepy seaside town and doesn't know what to do with her life after high school, but also because she's fallen in love with another girl, Endo, who won't commit to her feelings.

The film reminds me of a Korean movie I saw some years ago called A Girl at My Door. Both focus on female characters, mixing personal story with problems involving sexual preference. Both are also very effective in offering us a sympathetic portrait of people living in rural settings.

Overall it's very good. I thoroughly recommend it.



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