Things I Read — The Shortest History of Europe

Being on a not-very-wanted cusp of a potential exit from the European Union, I thought it best to delve into the topic du jour and learn all about the history of Europe. This represents a small (see: rather big) blind spot in my knowledge owing to what I admit is a terrible understanding of history as a subject. Although I took it at school, I’ve never been one to regale facts and figures about the evolution of our society throughout the ages. It’s something I’m hoping to rectify, beginning with this book – The Shortest History of Europe. Though I do quite like wandering around museums...

Much like a tin of Ronseal, the book does exactly what you’d imagine. It takes us through times of antiquity, leading towards Rome, straight through to the canals of Medieval Europe, before dropping us squarely into the tumultuous events of the 20th Century. It’s divided into three main sections - each providing a brief but engaging pitch about eventful chapters of European life. The writing is informed by introductory lecturers that author John Hirst taught at La Trobe University. Its audience is clearly the common man; which is great because I like to think myself as common as they come.

The subject that piqued my interest most was Hirst’s detail of the impact and spread of religion. He explains how Christianity proved a nuisance cult for the Romans, before a keen and superstitious emperor called Augustus used it to unify his flailing empire. This stood in opposition to perennial rival Islam which ruled in Spain. Religion accounts for big splits between European kingdoms. It also proves to be a huge factor in the eventual beheading of England's the openly catholic James II, who was ceded in power as monarch by the parliamentarian Roundheads, who then stuck a Dutchman protestant by the name of William of Orange in charge.

Overall, it’s an easy-read; great for those eager to gain a foothold into history. The blurb says you can read it in an afternoon, although it took me two weeks because I had some other shit to do.



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